The Red Edomites & The High Place

At a height of 1035 metres above sea level, are the remains of an ancient centre of worship where the Edomites communicated with God.

The Edomites who rose to prominence during the Late Bronze Age lived, up on the Ash-Sharah highlands and in some part of Wadi Arabah next to Midian.

Genesis tells us that the Edomites who were the descendants of Esau who had red hair and a wild nature, with easy-going personality, married from other non-Israelite tribes. Giving the Edomite a special Neutral statues between the tribes specialy on desputes.

Esau was the grandson son of the holy man and shepherd Isaac son of Abraham, who was also a shepherd.

It seems to be a major error to imagine that these Wonduring Aramean Shepherds (Abraham, Isaac), were mere wandering nomads living in tents and lived in tents, and kept large herds of animals of little or no significance in their day. However, they were men of high social status; as men of influence, importance, distinction, considerable wealth and power.

Therefore, it is clear that the biblical family were notable and by no mean- regular. They were Holy Men, seers, and more..

Abraham was honored by Melchizedek on his way from Ur, and to the Hittites in Hebron, he was considered a prince along with Sarah. All this points to a man of distinction and power. Of such an esteemed, honored, respected and well-known Shepherds family came the Edomites who were desendant of both lines of Abraham that of Sarah and Hagar.

According to the Book of Jasher, Moses fled Egypt to Edom. Where he was greeted by Jasher's grandfather, Herzon the Edomite. Moses lived amongst Hezron's people for some time. Jasher being the highest judge of all the tribes.

So according to the book of Jasher, the Edomites were the Lord Hosts and the highest Judges of the area.

So what does this all mean, the Edomites were the tribe of the highest Judges of the area?

Could it be that the Edomities had more wisdom than the other tribes, or that they could see things that nobody else could?

So is it possible the judges of this ancient culture took something during tribal dispute?

Could it be that the Edomities were involved in the Serpent Mystery like their neighbours the Midinites?

The biblical serpent mystery is rarely touched upon by scholars, because they have no clue or background on the substances of that time and our human Hyperspace. The same hyperspace that Moses entered and many other before him..

The bible actually talks about the Serpent Mystery that was alive hundreds of years after Moses. It seems that the serpent wisdom were misunderstood or manipulated with time and it then ended around 745 B.C.

In the biblical references the serpent mystery is associated with the specific tribe from Midian called the Kenites who were copper smiths and metalworkers and were more advanced in the arts than the other tribes.

This serpent mystery is associated with the use of substances with magical/mind altering properties. According to the biblical account this magical substance was known as the “Showbread" to the Israelites. The Showbread was eaten by the priests, in order to connect with the Ark of the Covenant and the breastplate of judgment.

According to Exodus (35:31) the Showbread or The Bread of the Presence of God was made in the wilderness by wise and knowledgeable Bezaleel, a skilled goldsmith and craftsman. Exodus describes how Bezaleel manufactured crowns, rings, bowls, and candlesticks out of pure gold. The Book of Leviticus (24:5-7) states that the loaves were made by fine flour mixed with pure incense. So what kind of incense? And what is this fine flour mix? And why would a goldsmith be in charge of making the Showbread “sacred bread“ and not a baker?

So could it be that the Edomites/Midianites/Israelites were ingesting a similar substance to the Egyptian called the Shem-anna? The Shem-anna was taken by pharaohs to increase their aptitudes for leadership; so did the tribes leaders and shamans/Holy men and Judges to increase perception and discern right from wrong? And if so, then what is this mysterious substance composed of? was it a plant substance like DMT or was it it a mineral base drink?

The notion of a Sacred Space or Neutral Zone representing the Holy Spirit has been a concept of ancient people, whose brain was more attuned to the energies of nature and more sensitive to the Earth’s vibrations due to more active Pineal gland. To the ancients such Sacred Places of Holiness and Neutrality were used as space for Judgment, Initiation, Sacred Rites and Ceremonies.
One find compelling evidence that the Edomite’s were trying to make a Sacred Space, when they carved two 6 meters long Obelisks with EAST-WEST direction out of the mountain rock. The Bible tells that the early Abrahamic tribes venerated the Queen of Heaven connected with the sanctity of mountains, and represented as a standing Obelisk shaped stone.
Note the temple of the winged lion on the background. It was because of this centre of worship and the temple of the winged lion that gave the Edomites the high status among the tribes, and it was this temple that caused the clash with the Hebrews of the building plan of the Jerusalem Temple during the reign of king David.
There are many interesting mysterious clues to the RED colour effect of the region, and without the relative key it is not generally understood. The name “Edom” means red, which probably came from the fact that the land contained a great abundance of RED colored rocks. Esau's who's name in Hebrew means "hairy" is also called "Edom" because he was RED when he emerged from the womb (Gen 25:25). Genesis relates this redness directly to event where he sold his birthright for some "RED lentil stew" (Genesis 25:30). What is more interesting is that the name of the nearby sea is called the RED sea. So what is this Reddish mystery of this land? And the Bible also keeps on reminding us of the Red character as in Isia 1-63: “who came from adom with RED colors.”
Cut into the rock, to a depth of about forty centimeters, there is a large rectangular depression, known as the courtyard, measuring approximately fourteen meters by six meters. It seems to have been an ancient custom to have a tent of the communion of some sort. The Hebrews Tabernacle Tent dimensions according to the Book of Exodus 40:17-19 was rectangular in shape and it was oriented in a very similar fashion to the Edomites tent where the altar for incense-burning is set on the west direction. 
At the high place of Edom and cut into the rock, to a depth of about forty centimeters, there is a large rectangular depression, known as the courtyard, measuring approximately fourteen meters by six meters. In the center of the courtyard there is a small raised platform of stone, fifteen centimeters high, two meters long and less tha one meter wide, which could be the platform for an Ark. The use of an Ark to mimic the holy presence seems to be an ancient concept.
A space that was used for a sacred ritual that was common among all the tribes of that time, a ritual that involved a special bread and drink that was taken by the tribes leaders/shamans/holy-men and Judges, in order to connect to device similar to the biblical Ark of the Moses and Aaron and a use of a divination method using a breastplate later to be called the breast of judgment.